Poster Information
Poster Information
The research presented as posters at the AMP Annual Meeting from the abstracts published in the November issue of JMD is embargoed until the first day of poster presentations at the Annual Meeting & Expo.
Poster Size Requirement: All posters must be no larger 4 ft (122 cm) high x 6 ft (1.8 meters) wide. AMP reserves the right to remove posters that exceed the size requirement.
Required Elements of the poster are as follows:
- Introduction: a brief discussion of the background or rationale of the study and/or the question addressed
- Materials and Methods: the experimental approach, materials, and methods used in the study
- Results: the data and results obtained in the study
- Conclusions: the conclusions and/or implications of the results
Including the Abstract is optional unless the scientific content has been altered since its submission. If substantive changes to the data and/or conclusions have been made since the abstract was submitted, the following must accompany the poster presentation:
- A clear notice in the poster content stating that the abstract has been revised since submission, and
- The revised abstract must either be printed on the poster itself or posted as a separate document on the poster board.
Poster Tube Storage: Bins for poster tubes will be available throughout the poster sections. Poster Tube Storage will NOT be staffed and is not secured. If you would like to leave your poster tube, please clearly mark it with your name and place it in one of the bins. AMP is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged poster tubes.
Poster Key
G = Genetics
H = Hematopathology
ID = Infectious Diseases
I = Informatics
S = Solid Tumors
TT = Technical Topics
OTH = Other
- Poster List (sequential listing by poster number in each category)
- Exhibit Hall Map of where to post your poster (poster numbering details will be available on-site)
- Author Index (alphabetical by last name of authors)
- Author Conflict of Interest Disclosures
- Abstracts are printed in the November 2021 issue of The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics (available online). Note that the research presented as posters at the AMP Annual Meeting from the abstracts published in the November issue of JMD is embargoed until the first day of poster presentations at the Annual Meeting.
- Poster Addendum (containing last-minute poster presenters/schedules)
General Poster, Award Applicant, and Author/Presenter Information
- All posters are on display in the Pennsylvania Convention Center.
- Poster set-up is Thursday, November 18, 6:30am - 8:00am. All posters must remain on display through 1:00pm, Saturday, November 20.
- Posters are listed in sequence by category and number in the following format:
Poster Number Abstract Title
First Author’s Name
- All Award Applicant posters display in Poster Number order in the areas of their subject category. They are identified as Award Applicant posters by a card mounted on the poster board.
- All Award Applicants must attend their posters on Thursday, November 18, 3:30pm - 5:15pm for interviews with members of the poster reviewing committees.
- All First/Presenting Authors, including Award Applicants, must attend their posters either Friday morning (even-numbered posters) or Saturday morning (odd-numbered posters):
- Even-numbered posters must be attended on Friday, November19, 9:45am -10:45am.
- Odd-numbered posters will be attended on Saturday, November 20, 9:45am -10:45am.
- Authors who have more than one even- or odd-numbered poster may either ask another author to attend their additional poster or attend it themselves during the other session. In the latter case, the author should place a note on the poster board alerting attendees that they will attend the poster in the alternate session.
- Poster removal is Saturday, November 20, 1:00pm-1:30pm. Posters must remain in place until 1:00pm. Posters remaining past 1:30pm will be removed and discarded.
- Please note that poster-viewing is not eligible for Continuing Education credit.
ePoster Size Requirement: The ePoster should fit on to one (1) page in a PDF file. AMP reserves the right to remove ePosters that exceed the size requirement.
- For publishing purposes, the poster upload must be a PDF file at highest resolution possible.
- All Posters should be in LANDSCAPE (horizontal) format
- The aspect ratio (ratio of width to height) should ideally be set to 16:9. This is now the default aspect ratio in the newer versions of PowerPoint. If you’re using PowerPoint 2010 or older, you will have to change the aspect ratio from 4:3 to 16:9. (Design tab -> Page Setup -> “Slides sized for:” -> Choose “On-screen Show (16:9)”)
- The complete poster is limited to one slide only. That means one single page for your PDF file.
- Fonts should be sans-serif (e.g., Arial, Calibri, etc.)
- Minimum font size should not be smaller than 6pt
- Do not use flash animation with your slide
- Details on uploading the ePoster as well as deadlines are coming soon.
Additional Notes:
- The First Author is the Presenting Author for the poster.
- The First Author is expected to register for the Annual Meeting and present the poster at the assigned time period (see below) to discuss the study and answer questions.
- The First Author will also present their work as an ePoster (PDF file) that will be available within the mobile app. They should follow the poster guidelines which will be provided at a later time shown on this website.
- The dedicated poster presentation times at the Pennsylvania Convention Center are as follows:
- Young Investigator and Technologist Poster Award Applicants: Thursday, November 18th from 3:30pm – 5:15pm Eastern
- Even-numbered posters: Friday, November 19th from 2:45pm-3:45pm Eastern
- Odd-numbered ePosters: Saturday, November 20th from 9:45am – 10:45am Eastern
- All award applicants were provided an even-numbered poster. This means award candidates must also be present on the even-posters’ assigned day and time (Friday, November 19th, 3:00pm - 4:00pm).
- Failure to defend one's findings by not attending the poster during the assigned time period is a violation of the AMP Scientific Integrity Policy and may result in forfeiture of future abstract submission privileges.
- If you are scheduled to attend two posters at the same time, you may either ask another author to attend one poster or attend one on Friday and the other on Saturday. Regardless of your choice, if this is your situation, please email to inform us of the attendance resolution you have chosen. (
- If the First Author is unable to attend the Annual Meeting to present the poster, every effort should be made to arrange for one of the other authors to present the poster. Both AMP ( and the Annual Meeting Program Chair, Dr. Laura Tafe ( must be notified that the poster will be presented by another author and be provided with that author's information..
Including the Abstract is optional unless the scientific content has been altered since its submission. If substantive changes to the data and/or conclusions have been made since the abstract was submitted, the following must accompany the poster presentation:
- A clear notice in the poster content stating that the abstract has been revised since submission, and
- The revised abstract must either be printed on the poster itself or posted as a separate document on the poster board.